The human brain is great at analyzing the world around it. But not everything is right in front of our faces, and some facts just don't make any sense.
For example, did you know that Dinosaurs couldn't even touch grass?
Here are 21 counterintuitive facts to mess up your mind.
The night sky looks the same from every planet in the solar system. That’s how far away everything else is.
There was a point in time when a samurai could have sent a fax to Abraham Lincoln.
Only 3% of the Earth's water is fresh water, and less than 1/3 of that isn't frozen.
While it is generally assumed that no two people share identical fingerprints, it cannot be proven.
In datasets of large numbers, you will have more 1s, 2s, and 3s, than 7s, 8s, and 9s. If you have similar amounts of all, the data might be fake.
Every element heavier than lithium had to be created in the core of a star. Every element heavier than iron had to be created by a supernova.
For tens of thousands of years modern humans coexisted with other ancient hominids.
There are only about 25 blimps in the world.
Grizzly bears in Yellowstone eat around 300,000 moths a month and it accounts for 1/3 of their calorie intake.
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A female turkey can lay an egg that doesn't need to be fertilised by a male turkey and the baby that hatches will always be a male.
Dinosaurs evolved in a world where there was no grass and no flowers. Both grasses and flowering plants first appeared toward the end of the age of dinosaurs. Before that time, the vegetation landscape was dominated by ferns and cycads and conifers.
Cheetahs aren't technically big cats. They are very large, small cats. They can’t roar. Instead, they purr and chirp.
San Juan, Puerto Rico should be named Puerto Rico, San Juan. It got mixed up by a map maker.
Cambridge University is 200 years older than the Aztec empire.
All humans share 99.9% of the same DNA. The .1% is what makes us different.
There have been sharks on Earth for longer than there have been trees.
The patent for the fire hydrant was lost in a fire.
Wooly Mammoth still roamed when the pyramids were built.
It took humans less than 66 years to go from first discovering flight, 1903, to landing a man on the moon, 1969.
A million seconds is 11.5 days. A billion seconds is 31.7 years.